Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weekly Blog Post - Scott Peddie

Down the final stretch we go. We got a lot of usefull feedback during our playtest in class on Tuesday. Right after the class, I went and tweaked a handful of minor things that we were taking for granted since we had run through the level so often, and had no trouble manuevering it. Small things like opening the gate up a little bit more at the start of the level. Guding the player a llittle more with lighting. Amother common concern was the user control. The players were raving about the enviornment and sounds, but they just want to be able to interact with the AI, and be able to feel even more threatened. At this point, that is our number one goal. Once we have an attack and AI system in the game, we will be essentially finished. After that, some last minute play tests to fix some of the smaller things, and we should have a pretty solid 10 week mod on our hands.

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